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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Your Relationship with nature

Your Relationship With Nature

Your relationship with Nature speaks volumes about you
Do you only see Nature as a means to financial gain or are you one of those who
Love Nature for her beauty and love her wildlife and her trees
And her rivers, lakes and mountains and her fields and flowers and bees?

Your relationship with Nature tells of the sort of person that you are
Do you see Nature's protectors as those who have gone too far
In their dispute with the developer in their fight for every tree
If this be so you support the environmental vandals or so 'twould seem to me?

Your relationship with Nature about you more can say
Than all of your friends and enemies can or so 'twould seem that way
For your apathy to Nature tells of your inner strife
And your attitude to Nature is your attitude to life.

Your relationship with Nature says far more about you
Than anyone else of you can say as their words may not be true
For if you love Mother Nature and with her live in harmony
Then you are working for the good of all of humanity.

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